So you want to do a family session but your kids are beyond the cuddly/snuggly age and they are in their tweens and teens already…..and they are less than enthused to get dressed up, pretend to like their siblings and parents and try not to fake smile for the photos. Bring them to me. I have dealt with that age group first hand and I have a few tricks up my sleeve!!!! Here are my “secrets” for capturing your older aged kids to ensure you get the session you always dreamed of regardless of what ages your kiddos are!!!

!) I get them to engage with me. I ask their hobbies, where they work, what they like to do for fun.

2) I tell them I know how awful this is and how quick and painless this will be for them if they can just go along with it.

3) I get them to PLAY Sounds silly for that age group, right? It’s not. They are STILL kids and they still enjoy being silly, playing and being themselves around their family.

4) I make them get in CLOSE to their family. To hold their siblings and parents hands. To put their heads together.

5) I make them LAUGH. Laughter is contagious. I may have to shake my butt or talk about something borderline inappropriate, but hey, it works.

6) I get them to love on their parents. It’s funny but in big families and/or when teens are busy with sports and work and new relationships, they tend to ignore their relationships with their parents and it’s nice for them to just connect with their parents even for a few moments.

7) If they have younger siblings, it’s fun to have the older ones engage with them, dote on them, tickle them, and show that bond they have together.

8) I have them RUN. Hold hands, run and get that real laughter going. It’s priceless.

9) Make them twirl, do ring around the rosey, walk hand in hand. Sometimes that drums up conversations that bring their real personalities out.

10) And FINALLY-I simply try to make them feel comfortable, beautiful and my goal is to get them to trust me.

This all equals gorgeous photos no matter what the ages!!


Rochester Minnesota Senior Photographer